East Bay Express: B.A.D. Girls Work Out to Wreck It

By Azeen Ghorayshi | February 27, 2013

Put away your fishnets and break out your weights — it’s the new era of roller derby.

The ladies of the San Francisco ShEvil Dead want you to know they’re dead-serious when it comes to athleticism. So do the Oakland Outlaws, the Berkeley Resistance, and the Richmond Wrecking Belles. Get over the booty shorts, tutus, and theatrical hair-pulling of yesteryear; today’s version of roller derby is a full-time job in black athletic pants. “The early days of derby were definitely the fishnets and the makeup and the whole sex-on-wheels thing,” said Lori Petrini, better known as Eva Menace. “We used to drink before practice, and now most people work out like crazy outside of practice.”

Read the full article at eastbayexpress.com